Second-hand book sales is being held in the lobby of the Japanese Association.
Popular books are first come, first served!
The proceeds will be donated to the Malaysian charity home.
Second-hand book sales is being held in the lobby of the Japanese Association.
Popular books are first come, first served!
The proceeds will be donated to the Malaysian charity home.
『鳥と港』 佐原ひかり
『猛獣ども』 井上荒野
『レーエンデ国物語 夜明け前』 多崎礼
『たべるノヲト。』 松重豊
『あっという間に人は死ぬから』 佐藤舞
『るるぶ 軽井沢 2025』
『「日銀」が日本を滅ぼす』 ジム・ロジャース
漫画 『キングダム 74』 原泰久
『科学漫画サバイバル 月のサバイバル』 洪在徹
『かいけつゾロリいただき!! なぞのどデカダイアモンド』 原ゆたか
『四つ子ぐらし19 四姉妹のナゾ解きチャレンジ!』 ひのひまり 佐倉おりこ
◆ その他、以下の本が入りました!
『地面師たち』 新庄耕
『巨大外資銀行』 高杉良
『奪われざるもの SONY「リストラ部屋」で見た夢』 清武英利
『イーロン・マスクはスティーブ・ジョブズを超えたのか』 竹内一正
『ズボラPDCA』 北原孝彦
『紛争地で「働く」私の生き方』 永井陽右
『PURPOSE 「意義化」する経済とその先』 佐々木康裕 岩嵜博論
『21世紀の教育』 D・ゴールマン P・センゲ
『心理統計学の基礎』 南風原朝和
『栢木先生の基本情報技術者教室』 栢木厚
『能面検事の奮迅』 中山七里
『ペトロ』 今野敏
『レーエンデ国物語 夜明け前』 多崎礼
『鳥と港』 佐原ひかり
『たべるノヲト。』 松重豊
『あっという間に人は死ぬから』 佐藤舞
『「日銀」が日本を滅ぼす』 ジム・ロジャース
(7 days a week, except for New Year and Chinese New Year)
●Library Card = JCKL Membership Card
1.Please ask the library staff and Top Up any amount.
* Ex. RM 10 + 8% SST
2.You can borrow books out and return by operating the computer at the counter.
●Rental charge/period
*New books: RM 1.5/1 week
*Others : RM 0.5/2 weeks
●Borrow books up to 10 books at a time per 1 card.
●Late fees will be charged from the day after the scheduled return date of the overdue books.
*New books: RM 1.5 every 1 week (From Day 8)
*Other : RM 0.5for every 2 weeks (From Day 15)
=>Rental books are shared by all members. Please follow the basic rules of the rental period of 1 week for new books and 2 weeks for others.
=>The maximum overdue period is four weeks from the date of borrowing, regardless of the type of book.
=>When the maximum period has passed, the card will be suspended and you will not be able to borrow further. Please return the overdued books as soon as possible.
●Extended period of borrowing
You can extend the borrowing period after you return the book only if there is no other reservation by others. Please check with the library staff about the reservation.
●When you borrow a book from the playroom, please fill out the necessary information (Date, title and membership number) in the rental book in the room. Please return the book at the library returning counter.
*Borrowing fee/Duration: Free/2 weeks
●Loss of books
If you lose the borrowed books, please contact the library staff immediately.
=>In case of loss due to user's fault
1.Buy the same book.
2.If the book is not available to buy, you must pay RM 100.
*Magazines and travel books could be replaced with the latest edition.
We may ask you to pay for the damage.
Late fees will be charged during the lost period.
●Reservation/Request (Add New Book)
If the book you want to borrow is rent out or the book you want to borrow is not in the library, you can make a reservation or request. Please fill out the form near the counter. We will contact you when the book is ready.
●Please note that we may not be able to respond to your request, although we will take your comments into consideration. Also, we do not accept requests for comics/DVDs.
●Non library opening-hour return post
*We installed it next to the library entrance. Please use it to return books during non-opening hours.
*If you return books past their due date, the excess fee will be deducted from your library card balance when you return them.
*If the balance is insufficient, the return process cannot be completed. Please top up at the library reception and then do the return procedure.
●To withdraw/Resign
Please return the borrowed books at the library counter and get a refund of the remaining rental fees available in your membership card before you apply for the resignation form.
●Inadequacy of books and DVDs
If you find any defects in the borrowed books or DVDs/VCDs/CDs, please let our staff know. We will refund the amount you borrowed.
Books are the common property of the members, and the operation of the library is supported by the goodwill and conscience of the members.
Improper acts such as removal without permission are subject to the disqualification of JCKL membership.
●Picture books for babies and toddlers are in the playroom.
When you borrow a picture book, please fill in the necessary information in the rental book in the room and borrow it.
(* Please put it in the return slot of the library when you return it.)
Rental fee: Free rental
Period: 2 weeks
The library accepts donations of books (Include comics, magazines, DVDs, and CDs). If you would like to donate, please bring the donated books directly to the library counter after acknowledging the following conditions.
*Please bring your used cleaning plastic bags or transparent envelopes to the library. We will use it to make a book cover.
There is a self-service copy machine. Please pay the same way as the book borrowing procedure.
B/W Copy (1 paper)
A4 15 cents (Both sides 25 cents)
B4 20 cents (Both sides 35 cents)
A3 30 cents (Both sides 50 cents)
Color Copy (1 paper)
A4RM 0.8 (Double-Sided RM 1.3)
B4RM 0.9 (Double-Sided RM 1.4)
A3RM 1.0 (Double-Sided RM 1.5)
If you have any inquiries, please feel free to ask at the library reception. Staff will be in the library from Monday to Sunday 10:00~19:00 (Except lunch at 14:00~15:00).
Email: library@jckl.org.my
Tel: 03-2274-8668
No.2, Jalan 1/86,
Off Jalan Taman Seputeh,
58000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia